Don’t Test Your Luck, Doctors: 1 in 4 People Will Become Disabled

Overcoming the challenges of medical residency may make you feel invincible, but the high odds of becoming disabled mean you need income protection.

As a medical resident, you're at a pivotal point in your career where the pressure is immense and the stakes are high.

Between the long hours, the steep learning curve, and the looming shadow of student loans, one crucial thing often overlooked: the risk of becoming disabled.

It's a topic many prefer not to think about, driven by a common misconception: the belief that disability is something that happens to others, not to themselves.

The American Bar Association recently cited a study that found 64% of workers say their chance of long-term disability during their career is only 1-2%,  but the actual risk is much higher. In fact, the Council for Disability Awareness reports that 1 in 4 adults will experience disability before retirement.

A disability doesn’t just disrupt your way of life – it can negatively impact your financial future. In a study cited by the CDA, 44.3% of consumers who filed bankruptcy attributed loss of work due to medical reasons as one of the factors.

The very real disability risks that exist force doctors to face this fact: If your financial plan doesn’t account for your career being cut short due to an injury or illness, you need to protect your income with disability insurance.

So why is now the best time to consider disability insurance?

During residency, you're likely at your healthiest, which translates to lower premiums and longer coverage periods. Furthermore, securing insurance early can provide coverage for unforeseen illnesses or injuries that could otherwise derail your career and financial stability.

At Pattern, we’ve helped over 20,000 doctors find the right disability insurance coverage because we understand the unique challenges and time constraints faced by medical residents. Our mission is to simplify the process of obtaining the right disability insurance, making it as quick and straightforward as possible.

Start securing your future today with Pattern.

First, take a few minutes to complete a free quote request. Then, receive a free consultation with an expert to review your policy options. Finally, secure your policy and enjoy the peace of mind that comes from knowing your income is protected.